
What is Linux?

What is linux operation system

Introduction Linux is an open-source operating system initiated by Linus Torvalds in 1991 and supported by numerous developers worldwide. Built upon a Unix-like structure, Linux has gained significant popularity due to its flexibility, reliability, and extensive user community. The kernel of Linux facilitates communication between hardware and software components, forming a complete operating system when … Read more

Termux Command Cheat Sheet

Entrance Welcome to this comprehensive guide on Termux, a powerful terminal emulator and Linux environment application for Android devices. This guide is designed to assist users of all levels in navigating the functionalities of Termux, offering a wealth of information on basic commands, file management, network tools, development utilities, and more. Whether you’re a beginner … Read more

Linux: A Cheat Sheet to Essential Commands

Introduction In the world of computing, Linux stands out as a powerful, versatile, and open-source operating system. It’s widely used in various environments, from personal computers to servers, and offers a range of features that appeal to both beginners and advanced users. This article aims to introduce Linux, explore its benefits, and provide a basic understanding of some common Linux commands. What is Linux? … Read more

The Importance of MySQL in Linux for Web Penetration Testing

Introduction Web penetration testing and Capture the Flag (CTF) challenges are crucial for identifying and fixing security vulnerabilities. In these types of tests, database management systems, especially MySQL, play a critical role. The combination of MySQL with the Linux operating system provides a powerful and flexible testing environment. Basic Usage of MySQL MySQL is a widely-used open-source relational database management system. Its installation … Read more

Kali Linux 2023.4 Release (Cloud ARM64, Vagrant Hyper-V)

With 2023 coming to an end and before the holiday season starts, we thought today would be a good time to release Kali 2023.4. Whilst this release may not have the most end-user features in it again, there are a number of new platform offerings and there still has been a lot of changes going on behind-the-scenes … Read more

APT and APT-GET in Linux Package Management Cheat Sheet

Introduction In the world of Linux, package management is a crucial aspect of system administration and software management. Two of the most prominent tools used in Debian and Ubuntu-based distributions are apt and apt-get. This article provides an overview of these tools, highlighting their significance, usage, and key differences. What is APT? APT (Advanced Package Tool) is a high-level package management tool used … Read more

Web Directory and File Scanner by Gobuster

Introduction During web security assessments, understanding a web application’s or server’s security vulnerabilities and getting a better grasp of the target system is crucial. One effective tool for such tests is Gobuster. In this article, we’ll explore what Gobuster is, how to use it, and provide practical examples of its usage. What Is Gobuster? Gobuster … Read more

Linux vs Windows Operating Systems

Introduction: Linux and Windows are two popular operating systems that are often compared. In this comprehensive comparison between Linux and Windows, we will explore their differences in terms of licensing, software compatibility, user interface, security, and customization. By examining these aspects, you can make an informed decision on which operating system best suits your needs. … Read more

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