
What is Linux?

What is linux operation system

Introduction Linux is an open-source operating system initiated by Linus Torvalds in 1991 and supported by numerous developers worldwide. Built upon a Unix-like structure, Linux has gained significant popularity due to its flexibility, reliability, and extensive user community. The kernel of Linux facilitates communication between hardware and software components, forming a complete operating system when … Read more

APT and APT-GET in Linux Package Management Cheat Sheet

Introduction In the world of Linux, package management is a crucial aspect of system administration and software management. Two of the most prominent tools used in Debian and Ubuntu-based distributions are apt and apt-get. This article provides an overview of these tools, highlighting their significance, usage, and key differences. What is APT? APT (Advanced Package Tool) is a high-level package management tool used … Read more

Parrot OS vs Kali Linux comparison

Introduction In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, cybersecurity has become a paramount concern. Professionals in this field require specialized operating systems to detect vulnerabilities, conduct penetration tests, and protect computer systems. This article will delve into a comprehensive comparison of two popular operating systems designed for cybersecurity purposes: Parrot OS and Kali Linux. We’ll explore … Read more

Linux Operating Systems Developed by Countries

Linux operating system, an open-source software, is developed by various communities and organizations worldwide. However, some countries have developed their own Linux distributions tailored to their local needs and security concerns. These country-specific Linux distributions carry features that reflect their national identity and aim to cater to the requirements of local users. Here are some … Read more

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