
Creating a Ransomware Decryptor with Python | Part 2

Introduction In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide to creating a ransomware decryptor using Python. This decryptor will use the key generated during the encryption process to decrypt the files. If the provided key is incorrect, it will notify the user. Understanding how to create a Python ransomware decryptor is essential for improving … Read more

Python TCP/UDP Network Traffic Listener (Part 1)

Introduction: Network traffic analysis is an essential part of gaining insights into cybersecurity, monitoring network performance, and understanding network communication. Using a powerful language like Python, we can listen to network traffic, analyze it, and make sense of it. In this article, we’ll learn how to listen to and analyze network traffic using Python. We’ll … Read more

Affordable Laptops Suitable for Cybersecurity

Introduction Selecting the right laptop is important for cybersecurity professionals and those working in the field. These laptops must have sufficient hardware to run security applications that require intensive processing power and memory. Additionally, factors such as security features, screen quality, battery life, and update support contribute to the efficient use of the laptop. Below … Read more

Commix: An Automatic Testing Tool for Web Application Security

Web applications play a significant role in today’s digital age. However, these applications are often vulnerable to various security loopholes. Identifying and rectifying such vulnerabilities is crucial as it provides protection against malicious attacks. At this juncture, tools like Commix aid in automatically detecting security flaws in web applications. What is Commix? Commix is an open-source tool used to automatically … Read more

Creating an FTP Listener with Scapy for Network Security

Introduction Network security is one of the foremost priorities for businesses and individuals today. However, when devising network security strategies, employing effective tools to analyze network traffic and identify potential vulnerabilities is also crucial. In this article, we will explore developing an FTP listener application using Scapy, a Python-based tool for listening to network traffic and monitoring FTP (File Transfer Protocol) communication. Learning … Read more

Network Scanning and Visualization: Using matplotlib with Python

Introduction: In today’s world, computer networks form the backbone infrastructure of many organizations. These networks represent a complex structure where multiple devices communicate. However, managing and securing these networks is a critical concern for system administrators. In this article, we will explore how to perform network scanning and discovery operations using Python programming language and popular tools Nmap and NetworkX libraries. … Read more

Examples of Cryptography with Python Hashlib

Introduction Cryptography plays a critical role in digital communication and data security today. The confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of communications are crucial in modern computing environments. Therefore, using secure data processing techniques and tools is vital to ensuring information security. Python offers various libraries for performing cryptographic operations, one of which is the hashlib library. Hashlib is a Python library used for … Read more

Building a Simple Ping Web Application with Flask

Introduction In today’s tutorial, we’re going to dive into the world of web applications with a simple yet practical project: a Flask-based web application that allows users to send ping requests to specified addresses. This project is ideal for beginners looking to get their hands dirty with some basic backend programming and network operations. What is Flask? Flask … Read more

Detecting SQL Injection Vulnerabilities with Python

Introduction: SQL injection is a common type of security vulnerability encountered in web applications. Malicious users can gain access to or manipulate databases by injecting harmful code into database queries. This article will discuss developing a simple tool using Python to detect SQL injection vulnerabilities. The Importance of Python and SQL Injection: Python is a popular language … Read more

Writing a Keylogger with Python

Introduction In today’s world, where technology is rapidly advancing, information and network security have become more crucial than ever. This article aims to delve into basic computer security concepts and learn how keyboard inputs can be monitored for educational purposes by writing a keylogger. Keyloggers are tools that record all inputs made by a user through the keyboard. While they … Read more

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