
10 Ways to Make Money with Ethical Hacking

Introduction In today’s rapidly advancing technological landscape, cybersecurity has become more critical than ever. Companies, organizations, and individuals need to protect their data and systems. This is where ethical hacking, or ethical hacking, plays a crucial role in ensuring cybersecurity. But how can you make money with ethical hacking? In this article, we will explore the concept of ethical hacking, its importance, and 10 different ways you … Read more

Using SQLMap: A Comprehensive Guide for SQL Injection Testing

Introduction Cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important in the modern world. Web applications, in particular, can be vulnerable to various types of attacks. SQL injection is one such attack that can threaten the security of web applications. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at SQLMap, a tool used for SQL injection testing. Learning Objectives What is SQLMap and Why Use … Read more

Hydra Cheat Sheet: A Basic Guide for Security Testing

Introduction Security testing is an essential part of evaluating the safety of a system or application. One critical component of these tests is password cracking attacks. Hydra is a popular tool used to perform such attacks. In this article, we will provide information on the basic usage of Hydra, its commands, and example usage scenarios for various protocols. Learning Objectives After … Read more

Why is Kali Linux Popular?

Introduction Kali Linux is a popular Linux distribution among cybersecurity experts, ethical hackers, and information security enthusiasts. This Debian-based operating system is known for its rich set of tools and user-friendly interface. What makes Kali Linux so popular? In this article, we will provide detailed information about what Kali Linux is, why it is so … Read more

Creating a Ransomware Decryptor with Python | Part 2

Introduction In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide to creating a ransomware decryptor using Python. This decryptor will use the key generated during the encryption process to decrypt the files. If the provided key is incorrect, it will notify the user. Understanding how to create a Python ransomware decryptor is essential for improving … Read more

Creating Ransomware with Python | Part 1

Python ransomware tutorial Python ransomware example Python ransomware script Python encryption tutorial Ransomware coding with Python

Introduction In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide to creating a simple ransomware using Python. Ransomware is a type of malicious software that encrypts a user’s files, locking access to them. However, the ransomware we create in this article is for educational purposes only, to improve coding skills and raise awareness about cybersecurity, … Read more

Exploring MAC Spoofing Detection Tool with Python

Introduction: In this learning journey, I embarked on a quest to understand and implement a MAC Spoofing Detection Tool using Python. MAC spoofing is a technique used by attackers to impersonate legitimate devices on a network by falsifying their MAC addresses. By building this tool, I aimed to gain insights into network security and develop … Read more

Discovering Devices on the Network with Python ARP

Introduction Discovering devices on a network is a fundamental requirement for network administrators and security experts. ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) is a crucial network protocol used to translate IP addresses into MAC addresses. The Python Scapy library is a powerful tool for creating and analyzing network packets. In this article, we will learn how to … Read more

Commix: An Automatic Testing Tool for Web Application Security

Web applications play a significant role in today’s digital age. However, these applications are often vulnerable to various security loopholes. Identifying and rectifying such vulnerabilities is crucial as it provides protection against malicious attacks. At this juncture, tools like Commix aid in automatically detecting security flaws in web applications. What is Commix? Commix is an open-source tool used to automatically … Read more

Creating an FTP Listener with Scapy for Network Security

Introduction Network security is one of the foremost priorities for businesses and individuals today. However, when devising network security strategies, employing effective tools to analyze network traffic and identify potential vulnerabilities is also crucial. In this article, we will explore developing an FTP listener application using Scapy, a Python-based tool for listening to network traffic and monitoring FTP (File Transfer Protocol) communication. Learning … Read more

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