
Server and Client Application in C

Introduction The C programming language is a powerful language commonly used for developing computer programs. In this article, we will explore how to create a basic server and client application using the C programming language. Such an application can help you gain a fundamental understanding of data communication and network programming. Server Application First, let’s … Read more

Aircrack-Ng Penetration Testing Cheat Sheet

In the world of cybersecurity, wireless networks are a common target for attackers. To effectively defend against such threats, it’s crucial to understand how wireless penetration testing works. This cheat sheet provides an overview of essential techniques and commands used in wireless penetration testing. WIRELESS ANTENNA Enabling Monitor Mode Monitor mode is essential for capturing … Read more

MacMaster: MAC Address Changer Guide

MacMaster: MAC Address Changer is a versatile command-line tool designed to empower you to modify the MAC address of a network interface on your system. Key Features Requirements Installation Usage You can use the MAC Address Changer in three ways: Where eth0 is your network interface. Arguments Important Note To ensure proper functionality, it’s essential … Read more

Decrypting Encrypted Network Traffic with Python and Scapy

Introduction In today’s digital age, data security plays a crucial role in protecting sensitive information during transmission across networks. Encryption is a widely adopted technique to ensure data confidentiality. However, there are situations where the need arises to monitor and analyze encrypted network traffic, whether for security monitoring, troubleshooting, or debugging purposes. In this article, … Read more

TrafficWatch: Usage And Impression

TrafficWatch, a packet sniffer tool, allows you to monitor and analyze network traffic from PCAP files or live network interfaces. It provides insights into various network protocols and can help with network troubleshooting, security analysis, and more. Features Requirements Installation Usage If you only want to scan a single protocol To analyze packets from a … Read more

Python: Creating an Encrypted Server and Client

Introduction In this article, we’ll demonstrate how to establish secure communication using Python. We’ll create a basic encryption application using the cryptography library to ensure that data sent between a server and a client remains confidential. The server and client applications will communicate over a network, encrypting and decrypting data as it is transmitted. Before … Read more

Performing ICMP Ping Checks with Python

In computer networks, ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) ping requests are a widely used tool for verifying the accessibility of devices and servers. ICMP ping requests send packets to a target device or server and wait for responses. Receiving these responses helps us confirm the accessibility of a specific IP address. In this article, we … Read more

Nmap: A Comprehensive Guide and Cheat Sheet

Introduction to Nmap Nmap (Network Mapper) is a powerful and versatile open-source tool used for network exploration, port scanning, service and version detection, security auditing, and network performance assessment. It caters to a broad spectrum of users, ranging from ethical hackers to network administrators. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the fundamentals of Nmap and … Read more

30-Day Python Learning Roadmap

This project provides a 30-day roadmap for learning the Python programming language. You can follow this roadmap to learn Python from scratch and grasp fundamental concepts. How to Use The learning materials for each day are contained in separate files in the project’s root directory. To navigate to a specific day, you can either look … Read more

Network Traffic Monitoring and Analysis with Scapy

Introduction In today’s interconnected world, computer networks form the backbone of data transmission across the globe. Within these networks, vast amounts of data are constantly being exchanged. Understanding network traffic is crucial for various applications, including network security, troubleshooting, and monitoring network performance. Scapy, an open-source Python library, provides a powerful toolset for manipulating network … Read more

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