
Cryptography Book Recommendations

Introduction Cryptography is the science of using mathematical techniques to protect the confidentiality and integrity of information. In today’s digital world, ensuring data security is of critical importance, and cryptography is one of the most vital tools in this domain. In this article, we will discuss the basic concepts of cryptography, why it is important, and then present some of the best … Read more

Top 8 Brute Force Tools and Reverse Brute Force Methods

Introduction In the world of security, various methods are used to gain access to information or test protected systems. One of these methods, brute force attacks, is considered one of the most common threats in the field of cybersecurity. In this article, we will delve into what brute force attacks are, how reverse brute force attacks are a variation, and explore in-depth the … Read more

FileCryptor: Encrypting And Decrypting Files

FileCryptor is a command-line tool for encrypting and decrypting files securely. It uses AES encryption algorithm with CBC mode to provide strong encryption for your files. Features Installation To install FileCryptor, you can simply clone the repository from GitHub: Requirements Before you can use FileCryptor, you need to make sure that you have the necessary … Read more

Decrypting Encrypted Network Traffic with Python and Scapy

Introduction In today’s digital age, data security plays a crucial role in protecting sensitive information during transmission across networks. Encryption is a widely adopted technique to ensure data confidentiality. However, there are situations where the need arises to monitor and analyze encrypted network traffic, whether for security monitoring, troubleshooting, or debugging purposes. In this article, … Read more

Python: Creating an Encrypted Server and Client

Introduction In this article, we’ll demonstrate how to establish secure communication using Python. We’ll create a basic encryption application using the cryptography library to ensure that data sent between a server and a client remains confidential. The server and client applications will communicate over a network, encrypting and decrypting data as it is transmitted. Before … Read more

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