
DNSWatch – DNS Traffic Sniffer and Analyzer

DNSWatch is a Python-based tool that allows you to sniff and analyze DNS (Domain Name System) traffic on your network. It listens to DNS requests and responses and provides insights into the DNS activity.And before we start the article, we recommend you to read our article called what is dns and how does it work.Note: … Read more

Linux Operating Systems Developed by Countries

Linux operating system, an open-source software, is developed by various communities and organizations worldwide. However, some countries have developed their own Linux distributions tailored to their local needs and security concerns. These country-specific Linux distributions carry features that reflect their national identity and aim to cater to the requirements of local users. Here are some … Read more

360 Free Rooms on TryHackMe

Introduction Capture The Flag (CTF) rooms offer an exciting and interactive way to learn cybersecurity skills and test your hacking abilities. In this article, we will explore 360 free CTF rooms available on TryHackMe, a popular platform for cybersecurity enthusiasts and beginners alike. These rooms provide hands-on challenges and real-world scenarios that can help you … Read more

Best RDP Tools for Pentesting in Kali Linux

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a commonly used protocol for remote connections

Kali Linux is a powerful operating system extensively used by cybersecurity professionals and ethical hackers for conducting penetration tests. Within this OS, a variety of security testing tools and vulnerability analysis software are bundled. Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a commonly used protocol for remote connections and can play a crucial role during the pentesting … Read more

Social Media Security: Safeguarding Yourself in the Digital World

Introduction In today’s world, social media has become a powerful tool that revolutionized how people communicate, share information, and interact. However, as the popularity of social media platforms has grown, so have various security risks. Threats such as compromising personal data, fraud, cyberbullying, and identity theft are some of the significant issues that social media … Read more

Creating a Port Scanning Tool with Python

Introduction Port scanning is a method used to determine open ports on target systems within a computer network. Port scanning tools are commonly employed in network security testing and provide system administrators with the ability to identify potential security vulnerabilities within their networks. In this article, you will learn how to create your own port … Read more

Blue Team vs. Red Team in Cybersecurity

Introduction Cybersecurity plays a crucial role in today’s rapidly digitizing world. Organizations, governments, and individuals must take various security measures to protect themselves from cyber-attacks and safeguard their data. In this context, the concepts of “Blue Team” and “Red Team” play a significant role in cybersecurity strategies. What is the Blue Team? The Blue Team … Read more

System Security: Data Protection and Defense Against Threats

Introduction In today’s world, with the widespread use of information technology, system security has become of paramount importance. Companies, government institutions, and individuals rely on system security methods to protect their sensitive data and defend against cyber attacks. In this article, we will explore the concept of system security, its significance, and how it can … Read more

Popular Web Penetration Testing tools

web penetration test

Introduction The increasing complexity of web applications exposes them to security threats. Web penetration testing is a crucial step in identifying vulnerabilities and preventing potential attacks. In this article, we will take a look at popular web penetration testing tools and examine why they play a significant role in network security. before you get started … Read more

Linux vs Windows Operating Systems

Introduction: Linux and Windows are two popular operating systems that are often compared. In this comprehensive comparison between Linux and Windows, we will explore their differences in terms of licensing, software compatibility, user interface, security, and customization. By examining these aspects, you can make an informed decision on which operating system best suits your needs. … Read more

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