
SQL Injection: Understanding the Threat and Prevention

What is SQL Injection?

SQL injection is a type of cyber attack wherein malicious actors exploit vulnerabilities in web applications to manipulate the interaction between the application and its database. These attacks occur due to poor security practices or inadequate coding, allowing attackers to execute unintended SQL queries.

How Does It Work?

The process of a SQL injection attack typically involves the following steps:

  1. Identifying Data Entry Points: Attackers seek out potential entry points, often targeting user input fields or URL parameters.
  2. Sending Malicious Data: Attackers craft input that goes beyond the expected scope, including special characters or code snippets that manipulate the application’s SQL queries.
  3. Exploiting Queries: When the application fails to validate or parameterize user input, it directly incorporates the attacker’s input into SQL queries.
  4. Database Interaction: As a result, the attacker gains the ability to send arbitrary queries to the database, potentially leading to data breaches, theft, or manipulation.

Don’t forget to review our article called Server-Side Template Injection before you start 😉

The Dangers of SQL Injection

To mitigate SQL injection risks, follow these best practices:

  • Parameterization: Build database queries using parameterized statements. This ensures user inputs are treated as data rather than executable code.
  • Input Validation and Filtering: Carefully validate user inputs and allow only expected data types, filtering out special characters.
  • User Authorization: Assign minimum necessary privileges to each user, limiting database access.
  • Regular Software Updates: Keep all components of your web application updated, as updates often include security patches

Real-World Examples

Let’s explore a few real-world examples of SQL injection:

Example 1: User Input Exploitation

Imagine a “Username” input field where a user enters:

' OR '1'='1

If the application doesn’t properly filter or parameterize this input, the resulting SQL query might look like:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '' OR '1'='1';

This query will always return true, effectively listing all users.

Example 2: Database Deletion

An URL parameter is manipulated:

productId=1; DROP TABLE products--

If not handled correctly, the generated SQL query could be:

SELECT * FROM products WHERE productId = 1; DROP TABLE products--;
This query combines product selection with a table deletion.

Example 3: Data Extraction Using UNION

An URL parameter is crafted:
productId=1' UNION SELECT username, password FROM users--

If not properly secured, the resulting SQL query might be:

SELECT * FROM products WHERE productId = 1' UNION SELECT username, password FROM users--;
This query fetches usernames and passwords from the "users" table while selecting a product.


SQL injection stands as a significant security concern for web applications. Developers must exercise caution when handling user inputs and database queries, implementing the recommended security measures outlined in this article. Vigilance and proactive security practices are essential to safeguarding data and maintaining the integrity of web applications.

Please remember that staying up-to-date with security practices and consulting reliable sources for further information is crucial. This article provides a general overview for educational purposes.

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