
Hping3: A Comprehensive Guide and Cheat Sheet


In the dynamic world of network security and analysis, tools that offer versatility and powerful features are highly sought after. One such tool, hping3, stands out for its robustness and multifaceted capabilities.

What is Hping3

Hping3 is an advanced network packet crafting and analysis tool. It’s an evolution of its predecessor, hping2, and is used for testing firewalls, network performance, port scanning, and network auditing. Hping3 works at a lower level compared to other packet crafting tools, providing users with the flexibility to manipulate different aspects of TCP/IP protocols.

Why Hping3?

The significance of hping3 lies in its ability to craft custom TCP/IP packets and send them to a specific target, allowing users to test network rules, conduct security audits, and simulate network behavior. This level of control and customization is invaluable in diagnosing network issues and testing security systems.

Features and Usage of Hping3

Hping3 offers a multitude of functionalities, making it a versatile tool for network testing and security. Here’s a brief cheat sheet on how to use hping3 for various purposes: (Scapy: A Powerful Tool for Network Analysis and Security)

1. Help Menu
  • Command: hping3 --help
$ hping3 --help     
usage: hping3 host [options]
  -h  --help      show this help
  -v  --version   show version
  -c  --count     packet count
  -i  --interval  wait (uX for X microseconds, for example -i u1000)
      --fast      alias for -i u10000 (10 packets for second)
      --faster    alias for -i u1000 (100 packets for second)
      --flood	   sent packets as fast as possible. Don't show replies.
  -n  --numeric   numeric output
  -q  --quiet     quiet
  -I  --interface interface name (otherwise default routing interface)
  -V  --verbose   verbose mode
  -D  --debug     debugging info
  -z  --bind      bind ctrl+z to ttl           (default to dst port)
  -Z  --unbind    unbind ctrl+z
      --beep      beep for every matching packet received
  default mode     TCP
  -0  --rawip      RAW IP mode
  -1  --icmp       ICMP mode
  -2  --udp        UDP mode
  -8  --scan       SCAN mode.
                   Example: hping --scan 1-30,70-90 -S
  -9  --listen     listen mode
  -a  --spoof      spoof source address
  --rand-dest      random destionation address mode. see the man.
  --rand-source    random source address mode. see the man.
  -t  --ttl        ttl (default 64)
  -N  --id         id (default random)
  -W  --winid      use win* id byte ordering
  -r  --rel        relativize id field          (to estimate host traffic)
  -f  --frag       split packets in more frag.  (may pass weak acl)
  -x  --morefrag   set more fragments flag
  -y  --dontfrag   set don't fragment flag
  -g  --fragoff    set the fragment offset
  -m  --mtu        set virtual mtu, implies --frag if packet size > mtu
  -o  --tos        type of service (default 0x00), try --tos help
  -G  --rroute     includes RECORD_ROUTE option and display the route buffer
  --lsrr           loose source routing and record route
  --ssrr           strict source routing and record route
  -H  --ipproto    set the IP protocol field, only in RAW IP mode
  -C  --icmptype   icmp type (default echo request)
  -K  --icmpcode   icmp code (default 0)
      --force-icmp send all icmp types (default send only supported types)
      --icmp-gw    set gateway address for ICMP redirect (default
      --icmp-ts    Alias for --icmp --icmptype 13 (ICMP timestamp)
      --icmp-addr  Alias for --icmp --icmptype 17 (ICMP address subnet mask)
      --icmp-help  display help for others icmp options
  -s  --baseport   base source port             (default random)
  -p  --destport   [+][+]<port> destination port(default 0) ctrl+z inc/dec
  -k  --keep       keep still source port
  -w  --win        winsize (default 64)
  -O  --tcpoff     set fake tcp data offset     (instead of tcphdrlen / 4)
  -Q  --seqnum     shows only tcp sequence number
  -b  --badcksum   (try to) send packets with a bad IP checksum
                   many systems will fix the IP checksum sending the packet
                   so you'll get bad UDP/TCP checksum instead.
  -M  --setseq     set TCP sequence number
  -L  --setack     set TCP ack
  -F  --fin        set FIN flag
  -S  --syn        set SYN flag
  -R  --rst        set RST flag
  -P  --push       set PUSH flag
  -A  --ack        set ACK flag
  -U  --urg        set URG flag
  -X  --xmas       set X unused flag (0x40)
  -Y  --ymas       set Y unused flag (0x80)
  --tcpexitcode    use last tcp->th_flags as exit code
  --tcp-mss        enable the TCP MSS option with the given value
  --tcp-timestamp  enable the TCP timestamp option to guess the HZ/uptime
  -d  --data       data size                    (default is 0)
  -E  --file       data from file
  -e  --sign       add 'signature'
  -j  --dump       dump packets in hex
  -J  --print      dump printable characters
  -B  --safe       enable 'safe' protocol
  -u  --end        tell you when --file reached EOF and prevent rewind
  -T  --traceroute traceroute mode              (implies --bind and --ttl 1)
  --tr-stop        Exit when receive the first not ICMP in traceroute mode
  --tr-keep-ttl    Keep the source TTL fixed, useful to monitor just one hop
  --tr-no-rtt	    Don't calculate/show RTT information in traceroute mode
ARS packet description (new, unstable)
  --apd-send       Send the packet described with APD (see docs/APD.txt)
2. Basic Command Structure
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The basic syntax for using hping3 is hping3 [options] target, where target can be an IP address or a hostname.

  • Basic Command: hping3 [options] target
    • target: Can be an IP address or hostname.
3. Sending TCP SYN Packets
  • Command: hping3 -S -p 80 target
    • -S: SYN packet.
    • -p: Target port number.
4. Sending ICMP Echo Requests
  • Command: hping3 -1 target
    • -1: Indicates ICMP mode.
5. Sending UDP Packets
  • Command: hping3 --udp -p 53 target
    • --udp: UDP packet.
    • -p: Target port number.
6. Sending ARP Requests
  • Command: hping3 --arping target
    • --arping: Pings using the ARP protocol.
7. Conducting Flood Attacks
  • WARNING: These commands should only be used for testing purposes on networks where you have permission.
  • Command: hping3 --flood -S -p 80 target
    • --flood: Speeds up packet sending.
    • -S: SYN packet.
    • -p: Target port number.
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8. Setting Packet Size
  • Command: hping3 -S -p 80 -d 120 target
    • -d: Packet size (in bytes).
9. Setting Time Between Packets
  • Command: hping3 -S -p 80 --fast target
    • --fast: Reduces packet sending interval (10 packets/second).
10. Discovering Network Gateway
  • Command: hping3 --traceroute -V -1 target
    • --traceroute: Shows the path the packet takes.
    • -V: Verbose output mode.
    • -1: ICMP mode.
11. Saving to File
  • Command: hping3 -S -p 80 target --safe -I eth0 > record.txt
    • --safe: Safe mode (random IP addresses).
    • -I eth0: Network interface to use.
    • > record.txt: Saves output to a file.
12. Creating a Custom Packet
  • Command: hping3 -S -p 80 -E file.txt -d 100 target
    • -E file.txt: File from which to read packet content.
    • -d 100: Packet size.


DoS (Denial of Service) Examples:
  1. TCP SYN Flood Attack:
    • Command: hping3 -S -p 80 --flood target
      • -S: Sends SYN packets.
      • -p 80: Specifies port 80 as the destination port (replace with the desired port).
      • --flood: Conducts a SYN flood attack by sending a large number of SYN packets to the target.
      • target: Replace this with the IP address or hostname of the target machine.
    • Description: This command launches a DoS attack by overwhelming the target server with a flood of TCP SYN packets, exhausting its resources and making it unresponsive.


Hping3 serves as a powerful and flexible tool for network analysis and security testing. Its ability to craft and manipulate network packets offers invaluable insights into network performance and security vulnerabilities. However, it is crucial to use hping3 ethically and legally, ensuring that all activities comply with relevant laws and policies. By understanding and utilizing the capabilities of hping3 as outlined in this cheat sheet, professionals can enhance their network management and security strategies significantly

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