
Introduction to Blockchain Technology with a Python Example


In recent years, blockchain technology has garnered significant attention in the world of finance and technology. This innovative technology significantly enhances data security and transparency and holds the potential to revolutionize various sectors. This article aims to explain blockchain technology through a Python example for those who wish to understand its fundamental principles. Our article intends to provide readers with a solid foundation by explaining what blockchain is, how it works, and how this technology can be implemented, step by step.

What is Blockchain?

Blockchain is a data structure where a series of blocks are cryptographically linked to each other, making alterations or forgery considerably difficult. Each block contains a set of transactions, a timestamp, and the hash value of the previous block. Thanks to its unique structure, blockchain not only makes it hard to alter data but also provides a high level of security and transparency. Its decentralized nature allows users direct access to data, reducing the role of intermediaries. These features make blockchain a popular choice in finance, supply chain management, healthcare, and many other fields.

A Simple Blockchain Example

In this section, we demonstrate how to create a blockchain structure using Python. Python, with its easy-to-read syntax and wide-ranging applications, is an ideal language for understanding and implementing complex concepts like blockchain. Our example includes the basic features of blockchain, namely creating blocks and chaining them together. This simple application is an excellent starting point for understanding the fundamental ideas and principles behind blockchain technology. It is designed to show the audience how blockchain works and why this technology is so secure and transparent. This section prepares readers to step into the exciting world of this technology with a solid understanding of its fundamentals.

Examining the Code

In this section, we will step-by-step examine how to create a blockchain structure using Python.

Importing Necessary Libraries

Before running this example, we need to import Python’s hashlib and time modules. hashlib will be used to calculate the hash values of the blocks, and time will be used to add timestamps to the blocks.

import hashlib
import time
Block Class

First, we define a Block class. This class represents each block in our blockchain and contains the fundamental elements of a blockchain block:

class Block:
    def __init__(self, index, transactions, timestamp, previous_hash):
        self.index = index
        self.transactions = transactions
        self.timestamp = timestamp
        self.previous_hash = previous_hash
        self.hash = self.calculate_hash()

Each block has the following characteristics:

  • index: The position of the block in the chain.
  • transactions: The transactions contained in the block.
  • timestamp: The time when the block was created.
  • previous_hash: The hash value of the previous block in the chain.
  • hash: The unique hash value of the block, calculated based on the other properties of the block.

The block’s hash value is created using the calculate_hash method. This method generates a SHA-256 hash value based on the block’s content:

def calculate_hash(self):
    block_string = f"{self.index}{self.transactions}{self.timestamp}{self.previous_hash}"
    return hashlib.sha256(block_string.encode()).hexdigest()
Blockchain Class

Next, we define the Blockchain class, which will hold these blocks in a list and allow us to add new blocks:

class Blockchain:
    def __init__(self):
        self.chain = []

    def create_genesis_block(self):
        genesis_block = Block(0, [], time.time(), "0")

    def add_block(self, transactions):
        last_block = self.chain[-1]
        new_block = Block(len(self.chain), transactions, time.time(), last_block.hash)
  • The __init__ method is called when the blockchain is created and creates a genesis block (the first block).
  • The create_genesis_block method creates the first block of the chain. This block is special and has its previous hash value set to 0.
  • The add_block method is used to add new blocks to the chain. Each new block takes the hash of the last block in the chain as its previous hash.
Validity of the Blockchain

The security of a blockchain fundamentally relies on continuously verifying the integrity of its blocks. In this example, there is a method to check whether each block’s hash value matches its content:

def is_chain_valid(self):
    for i in range(1, len(self.chain)):
        current_block = self.chain[i]
        previous_block = self.chain[i - 1]

        if current_block.hash != current_block.calculate_hash():
            return False

        if current_block.previous_hash != previous_block.hash:
            return False

    return True

This function checks whether the integrity of the data has been compromised at any point in the chain. If the content of a block is altered, its hash value changes, indicating a breach in the chain. This method ensures the integrity and validity of the blockchain.

Blockchain Implementation

Now let’s use these structures to create an actual blockchain example. First, we create a Blockchain object and then add new blocks to this chain:

blockchain = Blockchain()
blockchain.add_block(["Transaction 1", "Transaction 2"])
blockchain.add_block(["Transaction 3", "Transaction 4"])

This code first creates a blockchain and then adds two transaction blocks. Each add_block call creates a new block containing the specified transactions and adds this block to the chain.

Testing the Validity of the Blockchain

To test the validity of our blockchain, we can use the is_chain_valid method we defined earlier. This method checks each block in the chain to ensure that the connections between blocks and the content of the blocks have not been altered:

is_valid = blockchain.is_chain_valid()

This line checks the validity of the entire chain and returns True if the chain is valid, and False otherwise.

Visualizing and Verifying the Blockchain

To better understand the validity and content of our blockchain, let’s visualize all the blocks in our chain and their properties. The following code snippet converts each Block object in our blockchain.chain into a list of dictionaries, displaying their properties (index, transactions, timestamp, hash, and previous block’s hash value) in a simple format:

chain_data = [{"index": block.index, "transactions": block.transactions, "timestamp": block.timestamp, "hash": block.hash, "previous_hash": block.previous_hash} for block in blockchain.chain]

This code takes each Block object from blockchain.chain and converts its properties into a list of dictionaries. This allows us to easily examine the details of all the blocks in our chain.

We can then check the validity of our blockchain and print all the blocks in our chain in a format:

print("Blockchain is valid:", is_valid)
for block in chain_data:

This code snippet first displays the validity of the chain using the is_valid variable. If the chain is valid, the properties of all the blocks are printed in sequence. This allows us to visualize how each block is connected to one another and how the chain was formed.

what is blockchain
blockchain explorer
python blockchain example


This article helps readers gain basic knowledge about blockchain technology and prepares them for more advanced topics and applications. How blockchain technology will evolve and impact new areas of application remains a subject of curiosity, but its importance and influence are already evident. Therefore, learning the basics of blockchain technology and gaining expertise in this field is crucial to keeping up with the rapid changes in the tech world. This article represents the first step in this process and invites readers to further explore this exciting and continuously evolving technology area.

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