
The Top 8 Popular Hacker Operating Systems for Security


In the fast-paced world of cybersecurity, hackers constantly seek innovative tools and platforms to accomplish their objectives. Hacker operating systems play a crucial role in providing the necessary resources and capabilities for these individuals. In this article, we will explore the top eight popular hacker operating systems that have gained prominence due to their advanced features and robust security. Before you start, I recommend you to read our article on cyber management. Let’s dive in!

popular hacker operating systems

  1. Kali Linux: Kali linux is arguably the most well-known and widely used hacker operating system. It is based on Debian and is packed with a vast collection of security tools and resources. With its user-friendly interface and extensive documentation, Kali Linux is an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced hackers.
  2. Parrot Security OS: Built on the Debian testing branch, Parrot Security OS is designed to provide a secure and comprehensive environment for hackers. It offers a wide range of penetration testing and vulnerability assessment tools, making it a preferred choice for professionals seeking to enhance their skills in ethical hacking.
  3. BackBox: BackBox is an Ubuntu-based operating system that focuses on penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, and forensic analysis. It provides a lightweight and easy-to-use interface while offering a variety of tools to perform tasks such as network analysis, web application testing, and more
  4. BlackArch Linux: BlackArch Linux is a specialized operating system that offers an extensive repository of tools for penetration testers and security researchers. It is derived from Arch Linux and provides a customizable environment with a vast selection of hacking tools, making it highly suitable for advanced users.
  5. Samurai Web Testing Framework: Samurai Web Testing Framework is a Debian-based Linux distribution specifically designed for web application penetration testing. It incorporates various open-source tools, such as Burp Suite, OWASP ZAP, and Nikto, to facilitate comprehensive assessments of web applications and identify potential vulnerabilities.
  6. Network Security Toolkit (NST): The Network Security Toolkit (NST) is a Fedora-based operating system that offers a broad range of network security tools. It aims to simplify network security management and monitoring by providing an intuitive interface and pre-installed utilities for tasks like network traffic analysis, host scanning, and protocol analysis.
  7. ArchStrike: ArchStrike, formerly known as ArchAssault, is an Arch Linux-based operating system tailored for security professionals and hackers. It boasts a vast selection of penetration testing and vulnerability assessment tools, all packaged within the lightweight and flexible Arch Linux framework.
  8. Bugtraq: Bugtraq is a Linux distribution based on Debian. It combines a comprehensive collection of penetration testing tools with a stable and reliable operating system environment. With its strong focus on security and user-friendliness, Bugtraq is suitable for both ethical hackers and cybersecurity enthusiasts.


The hacker operating systems mentioned above provide hackers, penetration testers, and security researchers with powerful platforms to carry out their work effectively. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced professional, these operating systems offer a wide range of tools and resources to enhance your skills and knowledge in the field of cybersecurity. Stay updated with the latest releases and developments in these operating systems to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of hacking and security.

Remember, always use these operating systems responsibly and for ethical purposes only.

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